January has two zodiac signs – Capricorn, which is until January 19th, and Aquarius, which is for the rest of the month.
Capricorns- are ambitious, determined, materialistic and strong. They will keep going when others would've given up ten miles back. This makes them great partners in life, as well as friends or collaborators. Capricorns tend to keep small circles, but are loyal and supportive of their friends and loved ones.
Aquarians are clever, analytical, technical, truthful, assertive, confident, progressive and innovative. They like to solve problems, improve what's already working well,and push boundaries. They are activists, campaigners and progressors of the causes they think will make a difference to the world. Ahh shucks- I am an Aquarian!
Wishing all members who have birthdays during January a very happy birthday!

Winners of the M & S Voucher management fee prize draw:

Mr. Hay who won £100 in vouchers said:
Always enjoyed using A2L over the years and offering great accommodation everywhere we stayed.Looking forward to our next holiday with them.

Mrs. Waryck who won £50 in vouchers
Have had a lovely holiday this year at the Mayflower Hotel looking forward to next year.

Mr. & Mrs. Taylor who won £50 in vouchers said:
We have been members of Club Access since 2002 and have thoroughly enjoyed our many holidays.

A reminder of ‘plus’ membership benefit rights:
Newsletters two weeks early, so ability to book offers & promotions first.
Book late breaks up to 12 weeks in advance of travel.
No guest certificate charge.
Winter warmer offers from April
(All of above are subject to availability)

The WINTER WARMER offers are from November 2024 to March 2025 at the Mayflower Hotel, Malta.
Only two months remaining! So book now to secure your preferred dates!
Passepartout’s adventures continue:

Passepartout thinks it’s time for the decorations to come down, so he decided to help out…. Meanwhile he arranged a last-minute New Year getaway to Club Las Calas, Lanzarote….and who was waiting for him? His beloved Elsa! Santa granted his wish… will this create a ‘memory to last a lifetime’?
Featured destination Caribbean:
If Snow, Ice and rainy dark days are not your thing, maybe a week or two soaking up the rays in the Caribbean sunshine would float your boat, while you cast your gaze over the stunning scenery.
Don’t delay putting off your dream holiday, life is short - live it without regret.

This resort in the Bahmas features the pleasures of a massive 20,000 sq. ft. swimming pool beautifully landscaped to offer lots of shade. There is a fantastic 103 ft waterslide and a kiddie section with shallow water and fountains. Relax in the big hot tub while watching your children play.
The facility also has Olympic-size lanes and private caves for everyone's exploration. Taino has a small playground area for children. And Lucay has Watersports on site. Laundry facilities are also located on the premises and there are scheduled shuttles to and from the local grocery store.

St Maarten, Dutch Caribbean:
Overlooking beautiful Cupecoy Beach and surrounded by tropical gardens, this resort offers accommodations in a prime location and within walking distance to a mall. Situated on the Dutch side, and just minutes from the French side, the resort is close to shops, casinos, restaurants, watersports, scuba diving and snorkelling excursions, deep sea fishing, and cruises to nearby islands. The small secluded beach is an ideal spot for swimming and snorkelling. The resort offers a large pool, as well as a children’s pool, Internet access, and an open-air café. Weekly activities are available including a manager's cocktail party with a live band and complimentary snacks.